Category Archives: Uncategorized

The Incredible Shrinking American

While we hear a lot about the changing “face of America” in discussions about the increase in immigration and multi-culturalism, what we should be talking about is the changing “body of America”.  Apparently, we are getting shorter as a people.   I found that out the hard way yesterday while trying to shop for new…READ MORE


In 2001 HBO produced a great docu-drama entitled Conspiracy.  It detailed the infamous Wannsee Conference, where Nazi leaders and bureaucrats met to hammer out how they would efficiently exterminate Jews from Europe.  It was well researched, written and acted–and it won several awards.  If a local filmmaker is looking for a new project, might I…READ MORE

Take the Summer Off

Did you hear the big news this week?  Every kid in Oshkosh has enough money to go to college!  Well, we didn’t exactly write it up that way, but that is the only assumption you can make when you hear that Ardy & Ed’s Drive In can’t find enough people to hire in order to…READ MORE

Failing Upward

In the world of business there is a term called “failing upward”.  It’s usually applied to someone who had a disastrous tenure at one company getting hired by another firm at a position even higher up in the command chain.  It’s also used in regards to start up venturists who bring in millions in capital…READ MORE

A Terrible Juror

I received notice last week that I am in the pool for jury duty in Winnebago County this year.  In my 27-years of eligibility, this is the first notice that I have ever received.  While I dutifully filled out the on-line questionnaire, I probably could have written “don’t even bother calling me, no attorney is ever…READ MORE

This Can’t Go On

Before I start today, I’d like to thank the Wisconsin Broadcasters Association for awarding “My Two Cents” with a 2nd place in the Best Editorial/Commentary category at the recent awards banquet honoring excellence in broadcasting.  This is the 8th time that I’ve received an award for the feature and I appreciate their holding my work…READ MORE

Running To Hide

One of the concerns coming out of the Republican state convention over the weekend is that too many candidates will be getting into the race for the US Senate against Tammy Baldwin next year.  Party officials are worried that a multi-candidate race would be too contentious and too expensive–leaving the winner weaker against Baldwin in the…READ MORE

The New Normalcy

Remember when there wasn’t a crisis every day involving the President and the White House?  For generations, Americans went about their business and heard little about what was going on in Washington.  The term “Breaking News” on the radio and TV really merited paying attention to–as there was hardly anything major happening that would warrant…READ MORE

A Lot of Accomodation for Boat Guy

One thing that hasn’t been brought up in the debate over what style of bridge should be built to replace the one connecting  Jackson and Oregon Streets is why we still need drawbridges on the Fox River in downtown Oshkosh anyway?   The original bridges spanning the Fox in our city needed to accommodate steamships that…READ MORE

An Incredible Opportunity

Somebody should give credit to Congressional Republicans for creating one of the greatest economic opportunities of all time.  As many on the Left decry the repeal of the Affordable Care Act as “taking away health care from millions”, it should be noted that the bill does not ban health insurance providers from offering coverage to…READ MORE