Category Archives: Uncategorized

Crawling Into the Future

It looks like it will be slow-going in the future.  I’m not talking about how information travels in our society–that continues to get faster.  I’m not talking about the pace of life, as humans adapt to getting less and less sleep or time to relax because we work more and spend more time staring at video…READ MORE

This is Unacceptable Part III–Who is Really Failing

This is the third and final My Two Cents on the Student Assessment Data report on the Oshkosh School District   The root of the Oshkosh School District’s struggles to get kids up to state standards in key educational areas was hinted at during a recent School Board meeting as Board President Barb Herzog tried…READ MORE

This is Unacceptable Part II–Where is the Return on Investment?

This is the second part of a three-part commentary on the results of the Student Assessment Data in the Oshkosh School District.  Part three comes up tomorrow.   Continuous Quality Improvement–better known as CQI The Student Achievement Guarantee in Education program–better known as SAGE Everyday Math Team Teaching Reading Specialists Math Specialists New school buildings…READ MORE

This is Unacceptable Part I–The Numbers

This is the first of what will be a special three-part My Two Cents on Student Assessment Data results released by the state Department of Public Instruction this week.  Part II will come on Thursday and Part III on Friday.   If you are over the age of 40 like I am, I have a…READ MORE

Lazy Oshkosh

In case you were wondering, some of your elected officials think you are lazy.  During last week’s Common Council discussion on restoring some of the on-street parking lost to the reconstruction and re-striping of Oregon Street, Mayor Steve Cummings used the phrase “Oshkosh doesn’t have a parking problem, Oshkosh has a walking problem”.  The inference…READ MORE

Everyone I Talk To

There is a hot new buzzword phrase in the political vernacular: “Everyone I talk to”.  Candidates now drop it into all of their rehearsed answers and talking points checklists.  “Everyone I talk to is concerned about education.”  “Everyone I talk to doesn’t want taxes to go up.”  “Everyone I talk to says their street is…READ MORE

News From the Future

Today’s My Two Cents features News From the Future: FEBRUARY 23RD, 2050 (WASHINGTON DC)   The lone surviving member of the US Supreme Court, Sonia Sotomayor, has died.  Sotomayor passed at way at the age of 95 from pancreatic cancer–which the Medicare For All Treatment Rationing Board decided was too expensive to treat.  Sotomayor had…READ MORE

Let’s Get the Innocence Project On This

First a My Two Cents update: Oshkosh School Superintendent Vicki Cartwright says last night’s closed session meeting of the School Board was legal as the request for proposals from health insurance vendors contained a provision that allowed the District to negotiate final details with the winning bidder–so those negotiations could be discussed in closed session. …READ MORE

What Are They Trying To Hide?

For a number of years now, the Oshkosh School Board has been very boring.  Former Superintendent Stan Mack ushered in an era of groupthink that urged members not to disagree with each other in public, not to openly question administrators and to always vote in unanimity on agenda items to give the public the perception…READ MORE

The Coverup Within the Coverup

One aspect of the Catholic Priest Abuse Scandal that often gets glossed over is the active role church members themselves took in perpetuating the cover up.  Another example of that was provided by Green Bay Bishop David Ricken during a press conference last week addressing Auxiliary Bishop Robert Morneau’s resignation from active ministry.   Ricken…READ MORE