Category Archives: Uncategorized

Dear Class of 2032

A lot of pundits like to write “graduation speeches” in the spring for the poor, unfortunate newbies heading into the “real world” for the first time.  But today, I’d like to address the incoming kindergartners with a “welcome speech” to get them ready for the next 13 years: Dear Class of 2032 (doesn’t seem super-futuristic…READ MORE

Offseaon Moves

Usually, the last My Two Cents before Labor Day is dedicated to my guaranteed lock predictions on the upcoming Wisconsin Badgers Football season.  But this year I thought I’d switch it up and look back on the off-season instead.   In Madison, two wide receivers expected to start this year are suspended–one for allegedly sexually assaulting…READ MORE

The Social Injustice of Birthdays

When I was a kid, I never brought treats to school on my birthday.  It wasn’t because my family couldn’t afford treats.  It wasn’t because my mother worked three minimum wage jobs and didn’t have time to bake.  It wasn’t because my family didn’t celebrate birthdays for cultural or religious reasons, and it wasn’t because…READ MORE

The Circular Firing Squad

There is certainly reason to fear that Socialism and other far-left ideologies will overtake both the US political system and society in general.  Identity politics is red hot right now, with everyone having their own victim groups, social justice causes and perceived oppressors.  But when you have to blame someone else for everything that happens…READ MORE

School Daze

Let’s do a little “Back in my day…..” today.   Back in my day, we didn’t need “practice bus route day”.  The Oshkosh School District and Kobussen are sending their buses out on practice runs this morning and this afternoon to make sure drivers know where they need to make their stops starting next week. …READ MORE

A Tale of Two Men

Let’s talk about fear.  Like the fear that Captain John McCain likely felt as he ejected from his damaged jet above Hanoi, North Vietnam in October of 1967, knowing that he was likely going to be captured–if he survived the parachute trip to the ground.  Or the fear that McCain may have felt when he…READ MORE

The Oshkosh Taxpayers Arena

As a taxpayer here in Oshkosh, I’ve already resigned myself to the idea that I’m going to own an arena someday.  I’m not liking what I am seeing when it comes to news about the new Menominee Nation Arena.  Slow ticket sales for concerts and shows, early management changes, postponement of events and a series…READ MORE

All the President’s Men (and Women)

Richard Nixon apologists (and yes, there were–and still are some) liked to say that Nixon was a “decent and honorable man that was betrayed by the men around him”.  Yes, Nixon had no role in the planning of the Watergate break-in that eventually led to his downfall–but he did hire or approve of the hiring…READ MORE

Always Looking For More Control

Back when the Oshkosh Common Council was twisting itself into knots trying to come up with a rental housing inspection program that would conform to then state law a couple of years ago, I warned homeowners in another My Two Cents to keep a very close eye on the process.  At the time I predicted that…READ MORE

Ignore That Fool

The scariest man on the planet is back with an ominous message for Republicans: bow down to President Trump or face the wrath of the voters in November.  Steve Bannon–the supposed architect of the President’s upset victory in 2016–predicts the GOP will lose both the House and the Senate if candidates do not pledge their…READ MORE