GREEN BAY, Wis. (WFRV) – The safety and security of the NFL Draft mostly falls on the shoulders of local law enforcement, and the Wisconsin State Patrol is taking the lead on traffic plans, particularly highway traffic.
“Our main focus for the draft is going to be primarily on getting people in the draft, parked and then out safely,” Wisconsin State Patrol Sgt. Andrew Jacobs said. “I think we’re making lots of progress, I think we’re getting close to finalizing lots of our plans.”
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The most pressing priority for the Wisconsin State Patrol is making sure the traffic routes designed does not create a backup on I-41. To do that, multiple exits will have to be used.
“We’re going to try to spread it out so people are exiting at multiple locations and there’s not an influx of people at one location,” Jacobs said. “And then we have all of our partners where people can park in their yards, so we’re relying heavily on them for parking as well.”
Even if travel times are increased, Jacobs says that access to homes and businesses will likely go unchanged.
“We have a pretty good detour set up, so I’m hoping that doesn’t have a large impact on people,” Jacobs said. “We want everybody to have access to where they need to get, so we’re taking account of where businesses are and where people live.”
Click here for Local 5’s coverage of the 2025 NFL Draft in Green Bay
For any updates to the road closure and traffic schedule, Andrews says using the NFL One Pass App before and during the draft whether you plan on going or not is essential in being a prepared resident, whether you plan on going to the draft or not.
“We’re going to have some road closures, so make sure you download that app,” he said. “Even if you’re not attending the event, it’s a good idea to have that app so you know when the roads are closed and how to get around the city.”
Weather has the opportunity to disrupt the construction schedule, forcing road closures to be more flexible. That information can also be found on the One Pass App if it arises.
“We’re hoping for very good weather so it won’t be much of an impact, but sometimes when we get snow and very cold days that’ll slow down the work pattern,” Andrews said. “So that might vary the road closures a little bit.”
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As the construction of the NFL Draft stage is set to begin Saturday, Andrews is hopeful that a little bit of patience will go far with motorists, law enforcement and draft workers.
“In the end, it’s going to be a great opportunity for our community, but we’re just requesting your patience with some of these road closures here to make it a safe event for everybody.”